
MyERAS Application Written Sections

Review, Editing & Feedback

Residency Expert’s flagship service for the MyERAS Application combines ground-breaking submission technology with years of residency application experience, helping residency candidates complete their MyERAS Application written sections like never before. Follow along through the easy-to-use, interactive submission form, complete with Expert Instructions and Brainstorming Tips to make submitting your MyERAS Application as easy as possible.

No need to struggle with your MyERAS Application ever again. Once you submit, your application will be brought to life through the capable hands of our dedicated and well-trained Expert Team. By following the Residency Experts protocols, you will receive a residency application that is worthy of the journey you have been through.


Delve Deeper into the MyERAS Application

Not content to simply review your Experiences sections and offer surface level suggestions, Residency Experts has dissected each and every aspect of the MyERAS application. Our results have helped us develop a method to look into every written section including Hobbies, Training, Reasons for Leaving, Work, Research, Volunteer experiences and more. Residency Experts is dedicated to making certain no important written section is overlooked in your MyERAS Application.

Exclusive Instructions & Tips

When filling out the MyERAS Application within ERAS, there are very few instructions or explicitly stated expectations. The Residency Experts submission form comes with all of the Instructions and Expert Tips you need to write your answers with confidence and ease. If you have any questions, our Member Support team is happy to help! You will feel supported and encouraged through every step of the Residency Experts process.

Review, Revise & Renew

Once you submit your MyERAS written content to Residency Experts, you can rest easy. Your personal Expert will follow a carefully crafted procedure that moves from reviewing your submitted material by a strict MyERAS Written Content Protocol Checklist, looking for anything that might be missing, editing each written section for the most optimal content while trimming the length down to fit ERAS system limitations, and providing comments and feedback for every step your Expert takes to keep you well informed. When you receive your revised content back with the Expert notes, and MyERAS Protocol Checklist, you will have the satisfaction and confidence of knowing your application has been worked up, and down to the finest detail.

Complimentary ERAS Photo Review and Feedback

An equally important piece of your first impression presented to residency programs is the Photograph used in your ERAS Application. But picking the right photograph to use for your residency application is tricky. Knowing this, Residency Experts offers a free review of one submitted photograph based on a Photograph Protocol Checklist that covers all of the important aspects of a worthy photo.


Get the most important sections of your MyERAS Application completed by following through fast and easy steps.

Step 1: Get Started

Create your account to access our innovative platform powered by SurveyMonkey. Review the guidelines and rules before you begin to make sure you understand the process.

Step 2: Submit

When you are ready, work your way through each step of the interactive MyERAS Application submission form. Make sure to answer in your own words and don’t worry too much about having perfect spelling and grammar. Take full advantage and read all of the provided Expert Instructions and Brainstorming tips as these are not provided in the AAMC ERAS system.

Step 3: Expert Review and Revision

While you wait, your Expert will be hard at work perfecting your submitted content. Each section will be reviewed according to the MyERAS Protocol Checklist. Some sections will have suggestions, while other sections will be edited for you with additional Expert comments. Be sure to keep any eye on your email as your Expert may need to get in touch with you!

Step 4: Delivery

Your fully reviewed and revised MyERAS written sections will be returned to you with a copy of the MyERAS Checklist, the edited content, and Expert comments.

MyERAS Application FAQ

How do I get started?

To get started with Residency Experts, you will need to first create your account to access our innovative platform powered by SurveyMonkey. Second, select the Application Solution Package that best suits your needs. Finally, complete and submit your application materials for review and editing.

Which sections of the MyERAS Application does the service cover?

The service will cover background information, the reason for leaving if you had prior training experience, your work, research and volunteer experience descriptions and reasons for leaving, the Hobbies section, Membership/Awards, if you need to explain a medical school education gap, and a variety of difficult questions asked within the MyERAS Application.  

Are there any character limits for the written sections?

No. We want you to submit without fear of being limited or cut off. However, because the ERAS system has specific character limits for each written section, your answers will be condensed to fit into the ERAS limitations.

Can my Expert write the sections for me?

No. Only you know the intricate details of your experiences. By following the Experts Instructions and Tips, you will be able to draft enough content for your Expert to work with and polish.

What is the turnaround time?

This depends on the Application Package you choose:

  • For MyERAS Application only: 1 to 3 days
  • For Application Solution Package 2: 3 to 5 business days
  • For Application Solution Package 3: 5 to 7 business days
  • For Application Solution Package 4: 7 to 10 business days

(All items you submit with the package will be returned together at the same time.)

Top 5 Most Common MyERAS Application Mistakes

Certifying their MyERAS Application too soon

Every year, residency candidates work their way through the MyERAS Application and end up at the certification page. Candidates will go ahead and certify their applications, not realizing that their MyERAS Application will become permanently locked with neither changes nor additions allowed for the rest of the residency application cycle. It is important to NEVER certify your MyERAS Application until you are 100% certain you are happy with the content.

Ignoring the Hobbies section

When it comes to the Hobbies section, residency candidates will often list off a handful of activities such as, “Reading, swimming, and cooking,” and move on to the next section. The Hobbies section is one of the only areas to introduce non-medical interests that prove to residency programs that you are an interesting and well rounded individual. Residency programs often draw from the MyERAS Hobbies section during residency interviews. Our Experts are trained to put your Hobbies section together in an outstanding and attractive format.

Inconsistent grammar and spelling

Just like an any other professional piece of writing that is a reflection of you, every aspect of your MyERAS Application should use proper English spelling and grammar. This is most important in the written sections such as the Hobbies sections, and Work/Volunteer/Research experiences descriptions. But, you should also be careful with your spelling and grammar in the rest of the application. An example of this is when residency candidates forget to capitalize their street address.

Not taking full advantage of the Experiences description

As with the Hobbies section, the Work/Volunteer/Research experience descriptions are a golden opportunity that often go underutilized or misused. The experience descriptions are your best place to go into deeper detail about the skills you gained in each experience. Use these sections to show residency programs you are able to learn and grow in any type of position. The experience descriptions are also an important zone for ERAS Application integration, which our Experts are trained to draw from to complete an Application Solution Package (Available for Solutions 2, 3 and 4)

Participating in Over Exaggeration

In an effort to make themselves look more appealing or impressive, some residency candidates may be tempted to stretch the truth within their MyERAS Application. This can take the form of listing a language proficiency you do not have, creating publications that do not exist, or creating a more prominent role in a research project. With the truth just a search engine or interview question away, do not give in to the temptation to be dishonest in your MyERAS Application.