

Understanding the ERAS Changes for the 2024 Match

Why did ERAS make changes to the application? The Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) has undergone significant changes for the 2024 Match, impacting how applicants showcase their skills, experiences, and preferences. These changes not only provide applicants with new ways to express their interests and qualifications, but also offer program directors more targeted criteria for…

Final Steps of 2024 Match

As we near the end of the 2024 Match season, you may be tempted to relax a bit. You have worked tirelessly for months, and you deserve to feel proud. However, there are still a few important steps and deadlines you must remember to finish out the season strong! In this blog, we will discuss…

Guide to Residency Letters of Communication

While it may be tempting to take a break after submitting your ERAS Application for Residency, it is important you do not lose focus! Following up with residency programs using Residency Letters of Communication during the Match cycle is extremely important and can help garner more interviews, higher rankings, and ultimately, increase your chances at…

Tips for Acing Your Residency Interview

If you received residency interview invites, congratulations! Now it’s time to prepare for the interview. Make sure to read everything you should know about how to prepare before, what to expect during, and what to make sure to do after the interview. Preparation BEFORE the interview Do your residency interview homework. Learn about: The program:…

Letters of Intent vs. Letters of Interest

After applying, candidates often experience anxiety over the waiting period. Many applicants believe that all you can do is wait to see if you receive interviews and ultimately a Match. However, there are some methods that can be used to increase chances at an interview, or a successful Match. Letters of Interest and Letters of…

Supplemental ERAS Application: Other Impactful Experiences

When you complete the Supplemental ERAS Application there is a chance to share more detail and context about who you are. The written portion is called past experiences, and is divided into two sections. The other impactful experiences section allows 750 characters and can include more personal details about hardships you have overcome on your…

Supplemental ERAS Application: Meaningful Experiences

During the 2021-2022 Match cycle the AAMC introduced a new optional step to the ERAS application: the Supplemental ERAS Application. While it is not required for all specialties, it is useful when applicable. A major part of this application is the meaningful experiences section, which is a chance to share what has shaped the specific…